
Wednesday, 2 December 2015


    When working with my partners design I originally found her design quite challenging, as for someone who has had no experience in hair what so ever and is not confident in that area at all I did worry quite a bit at the start. However after she talked me though the design, by explaining how she wanted each step to be done, also explaining the tools she used in the different sections of the hair design, and practicing it on my Kate manikin I got a lot more confident in my executing her final design.
    When developing research for this project it would first start with our technical sessions and what we had learnt from them, then I’d research about things relating to certain techniques and use that as my starting point to research more into designers, brands, movies, and TV shows that have been inspired by the Elizabethans. Doing this really helped me when it came to drawing up my final designs, as I had that modern and historical response to make this design my own, yet still relating to the brief of contemporary Elizabethan.
    After the assessment I was pleased with how my partners final design came out in most areas of the design. The padding and shaping I used on the crown of the head, and the slight curl at the very ends of the remaining hair, I felt these areas was partially strong in comparison to the french braid at the very front of the hair which I could of gone about executing differently, which would make the overall appearance much stronger in my opinion.

    Overall this whole project has been amazing to work with and I have enjoyed every aspect of this project from the hair to make-up and photography. I also think it was such a great first project to introduce me into this course as it got me thinking about different eras of hair, and also how so many designers have been inspired by the Elizabethans which before starting this project I would never of started to make connections like that. I also enjoyed how this project got me to be creative and wasn't strict with me with my imagination on my designs and my vision for this whole project.

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