
Tuesday, 6 October 2015


Day two of my first official week of uni, and we’re doing hair! I’ll be honest, I’m terrible at hair, dreadful even. So during welcome week when our lecturers was explaining the hair portion of this course I wasn’t expecting anything more than; “Ellie, you’re doing this wrong”, “no do it this way”, “God what was you thinking?”. But, surprise! I didn’t completely suck today!

 After the demos that Lottie did on her model, we all tried to recreate all five basic hairstyles on our manikin. We started off with a stylised bun which we created in four simple steps!

- First take a section of hair from just above the ear (see imagines above) and tie up with a band.

    - Next section the pony tail into four equal sections and backcomb the bottom of each section as this side will no be showing, but also slightly brush the top just to make it more tidy looking as this is the side that'll be showing.

    - Once all this is completed, start by rolling the hair over itself and pin it into place so it looks like the second image above.

    - Lastly, gently shape and push the hair till it meets each section then pin the sides that meet together, and you're done!

I was quite proud of my first attempt at this as my natural approach would be to use a hair donut, but this really taught me a different technique of what I could use in the future while doing this course.

These next two techniques are the most simple ones we was taught today, and require the same technique of using the same pony tail as before, twisting or plaiting the hair and wrapping it around the hair band and securing it in place with a bobbie pin. 

1. twist bun

2. plait bun

Next we went onto braids. We started off with a classic french braid which only took three simple steps!

- Start off by taking any section of hair, (you can still use this same technique when doing the full head of hair) and gathering a small section of hair from the top as if you're about to do a normal braid

- Start off braiding like you're doing a standard braid, but after the first cross take a small section of hair from the hair that wasn't included in the first small section at the top which including it into one of the side sections of the braid

- Carry on crossing the sections of hair from the left over hair until you run out of hair then tie with an elastic


And lastly, the fish tail braid! One of my personal favourites when it comes to simple yet effective hair styles. I know a lot of people may get put off by doing fish tail braids as they look very complicated, but once you get the hang of the technique they're just as easy as doing a simple braid.

- Firstly, start with a section of hair (again, you can still do this braid with a full hair of hair using this same technique) and separate it into two

- Take very small sections of hair from one side of the hair, and cross over onto the next side & repeat until you have no hair left 

- Keep in mind that to not have the braid too tight or too loose over wise it'll become hard to work with

(Top images show a braid that was a bit too tight to work with, whereas the images below show a braid that is just about right!)

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