
Sunday, 18 October 2015

Modern And Elizabethan Buns & Plaits

    After learning about plaits and buns, I wanted to research how the modern age has modernised the classic Elizabethan hair styles to suit this day and age.
    It was hard for me to find classic images of Elizabethan plaits, but from what I can gather is their plaits would be super tight and sometimes hid if you was a working class women in Elizabethan times. From these modern images compared to Elizabethan images you can clearly see the difference in style that designers have adapted to suit their runway or even in day to day life, people have been inspired by Elizabethan hair for centuries!
    Most Elizabethan plaits was used to create different shapes of hair e.g. round/heart shaped, and they would of been hidden by the rest of the hair, however compared to modern plaits it's most likely to be on show than something to use to create heigh or shape to the hair. As you can see from the images above, most of the plaits are soft yet undone and much bigger than the Elizabethans and this is what I think what really makes the plaits more modern compared to the Elizabethan era.
    Buns are another part of Elizabethan hair that has been modernised by designers and the everyday person to suit trends though out the whole year. 
    The everyday Elizabethan bun hairstyles was just like the plaits, very tight and small, whereas modern takes on buns are normally seen very large and undone as you can see from the images above. I think this is why is just like the plaits it was used to create heigh and shape in the hair, so during the Elizabethan era bigger buns would of been used to create shape and be hidden, but we also have examples of smaller tighter buns being used to finish off the hair, unlike modern day buns the bun is normally used as the main centre point.  

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